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Lecture 2: History and future of Social Computing

        Our class start to talk about social network nowadays that become apart of our life. We can see lot of people don't talk face to face to each other who sit next to them. They like to type in massage instead talking, especially in Thailand. However, social network user are like to type in short massage more than long massage.Our Lecturer suggest us to summary the lecture in blog for practicing our writing and check my understanding. I think, this method is very useful because I can review my lesson and analysis the lesson. I can find the related information more and I found there are many data in the internet.   

        This class, I have studied 'Infographic'. Infographic is the picture that show information in the easy way to understand. There are 2 picture that we consider and both are about the social networking. First picture show us about the history of social network sites and the other is about the tomorrow world. From the first infographic, I can see list of social network sites which are promoted in the different time. Some site is popular but some not. We can analysis lot of information from 1 infographic and this is our class' discussion. We try to discuss for many topic much as we can think that related to these inforgraphics.   

        My classmate found the high definition version of this picture. From the left handed side infographic, Social network start to be known in Hi5. At the beginning, social network start with relationship between few people that already known each other in real life. There are many social network that use for finding old friend like Then, social network sites were developed to be public message and community. There are many sites that use for sharing idea and journal like Live journal, Open Diary and Black planet. Radio online become more popular. For few year pass, users like to share more picture instead long text. Because internet was become known and user can use internet at there home, social network sites in these period are always allow user to do many things in one site. Users can shared picture and post message.

        In this period, social network sites were started to create the large community by suggestion of users. user can chose to communicate with the other people that they never know before. From this period, it changed the target of user to me more larger and Hi5 is very popular. After Facebook was released, users leave their Hi5 account and turn to use Facebook instead. Our group confuse that why users chage their mind to use facebook instead. Our answer are in the same way, we like facebook more than Hi5 because we can update, share and see other people easily. Facebook has newsfeed function to show list of activities of our friends, so we can like or comment our friends activity immediately but hi5 require user to visit friend's homepage and can only comment on their wall. I think, this feature make users change their mind to use facebook. We can see that, the new social network sites are emphasis in convenient of users. They must connect other people easily and must not use hard.

        The right handed side inforgraphic is about tomorrow world that also developed base on the convenient. There will be more AI (Artificial Intelligence ) that will have more play role in our life. People will have longer life time because of developing of science. There are going to have the new way to save life such as stem cell and cloning. Our life style will be changed also, everything around us won't be waited and everything will be embedded and easy to use.    


       At the end of the class, we talk about the method to analysis the data from social network sites. Google analytic is the one way that use to fetch data from sites. This tool can give the convenient for us to analysis the data. We can use this data in our report or can predict trend of social network sites for creating new social network site. 

I'm June

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